Reach Africa Now!
Sharing the love of Christ with the nations of Africa
Your Contributions Are Most Welcome and Vital to Our Success!
Reach Africa Now, Inc. is a 501c3 not-for-profit ministry incorporated on September 11, 2001 and properly registered wtih the U.S. Department of Internal Revenue and the State of Maryland for the purpose of bringing the skills and resources of its friends and supporters here in the United States into partnership with Christian pastors, educators, business leaders and others working to advance the Kingdom of God in the nations of Africa.
All contributions are issued year-end receipts each year for tax-deduction purposes.100% of any donations given specifically for a particular project are transferred only to that project. All other donations not so specified are used for the general operational expenses of Reach Africa Now, Inc.
Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to "Reach Africa Now, Inc." and mailed to Reach Africa Now, P.O. Box 358, Alexandria, VA 22313-0358. Donations can be made online through either by using the Qgiv Column options or for those preferring to use PayPal, click on the yellow "Donate" button:
Reach Africa Now!
Sharing the love of Christ with the nations of Africa